The 2M€ Wake-Up Call: Leaving Money On The Table When You Don’t Understand The Value You Deliver


Welcome to another insightful escapade here at “SaaSquatsch Blog,” where we spice up the SaaS universe with our unique blend of humor and wisdom. Today’s expedition takes us through the challenging yet rewarding world of value-based pricing, a must-know for up-and-coming and scaling SaaS ventures. Imagine it as a rollercoaster journey, transitioning from the comfort of ‘cost plus’ pricing to the rewarding peak of value realization, with its fair share of unexpected loops and turns.

The €2 Million Eye-Opener

Here’s a tale I’ve lived not once, but twice, across different ventures, ensuring it’s a lesson well embedded in my playbook. Picture yourself as a CEO of a thriving SaaS startup, with just a few millions in revenue and an average deal size of €20k ARR. You get the golden ticket to bid for a Fortune 500 company’s project. Your team dives into the challenge, fueled by late nights, caffeine, and sheer determination. You nail the proposal, fly out for the final pitch, and voila, you land a monstruous €300k ARR deal, 15x bigger than your usual deal – a cause for celebration, right?

But then comes the twist: learning that your competition, a giant like SAP, quoted a staggering €3M ARR. Suddenly, your victory feels more like a missed jackpot.

The Art of Pricing It Right

The crux of our misstep? Playing it too safe. We clung to our ‘cost plus’ strategy and competitor-based pricing, overlooking the unique value we brought to the table. Twice we missed understanding our customer’s specific needs, which were so crucial that only a handful of solutions, including ours, could satisfy them. This miscalculation led us to undervalue our solution significantly.

Listening to the Voice of Value: The Customer

Here’s a SaaS truism: value is in the eye of the beholder – your customer. Engage in genuine conversations with them. You’d be amazed at the insights gleaned from these discussions, once customers feel you truly want their feedback. It’s not about upselling; it’s about understanding their problems, how your solution solves their problems, what they love and hate about your product.

During my tenure at several companies, these discussions have been eye-openers. In one instance, we found out it was not the low price of our implementation projects that was our ace card, but the speed of the implementation. Another showed us that our solution’s cybersecurity features were a major draw for our clients, something we had never thought of and had never highlighted in our marketing.



Segmentation: The Art of Tailored Value

With qualitative insights in hand, segment your customers based on the unique value you deliver. This sets the stage for targeted quantitative research. For instance, at one company, we realized that while local SMEs saw us as a commodity, multinational clients valued our ability to navigate diverse regulations across multiple countries. This was a eureka moment, highlighting the need for differential pricing and perhaps even market focus. Are you selling high-end solutions to an audience that needs just the basics? Then you are in for a lot of price discussions with your sales team. When you are a car manufacturer, you sell a luxury SUV at the price of a bicycle, because your customer needs a basic transportation means and the competitors are offering bicycles?

Gradual Pricing Evolution: No Need for Big Bangs

Armed with these insights, approach your pricing strategy with a gradual hand. Sudden spikes can backfire. Test the waters, increase list prices in B2B while allowing your sales team to grant higher discounts, and experiment with A/B testing in B2C. Remember, in pricing as in the universe, big bangs can lead to black holes, not starry skies.

Reflection: Valuing Your Value

In wrapping up, this tale of value realization in pricing is a fundamental one in the SaaS cosmos. Every customer touchpoint, every feature, every market fluctuation is an opportunity to reassess your pricing. It’s a delicate dance of balancing market tolerance and the unique value you offer. As I’ve learned, albeit the hard way, we need to embrace price optimization as an integral part of our strategy.

We’re not just chasing deals; we’re pursuing true value. So, as you ponder over your pricing strategies, ask yourself: Are you accurately capturing the value of your solution? Or are you still cruising in the ‘cost plus’ lane? Let’s aim not just for transactions, but for value-driven relationships and growth.

Until our next adventure, keep exploring, keep learning, and remember – your SaaS solution’s value is a treasure worth every penny.

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