about us

Our mission is to help you achieve your business goals

What's up with the bigfoot?

SaaS companies often appear in the media as mystical entities with an immense potential to generate fortunes for founders and investors. Using names as unicorns or centaurs only reinforces that image.

Over the years, our founder has encountered too many start-ups, scale-ups and even unicorn-level SaaS companies which got caught up in the hype and blindly followed some magical KPIs, mythical go-to-market strategies or the management mantra of the quarter.

While the SaaS industry does have some pecularities, running a SaaS business is not about following Alice down the rabithole and living in a world where the basic rules of business no longer apply.

A lot of nonsense going around in SaaS, clearly. Nonsense, or ‘quatsch’ in Dutch and German. Lots of SaaS Quatsch.

And at the same time, a ‘sasquatch’ or ‘bigfoot’ is a mythical creature of North-American folklore. Bigfoot is often characterized as a shy and elusive guardian of nature.  There are many anecdotes of hikers feeling ‘watched over’ or ‘accompanied’ by this benign creature.

So at SaaSQuatsch, we aim to get rid of the ‘quatsch’ and the nonsensical  advices of how to bring a SaaS company to success.  We quietly accompany our customers on their way too success without being in the spotlight ourselves.

ready to take your business to the next level?

Get in touch today and receive a complimentary consultation.